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A Winter Without "gods"

A non-Jew's guide to an idolatry-free winter? Watch on Rumble.


It Boils Down To This

The intention of this video is not to discourage anyone from celebrating a secular non-religious Christmas. It is specifically relevant for those who no longer follow the deities associated with winter and Christmas festivities. The essence of this short film is inspired by a lesser-known biblical (Torah) account of the origin and development of winter celebrations. Our aspiration is for you to be entertained and inspired, while also gaining ideas on how you and your family can continue enjoying long-held traditions or create new ones throughout the winter season. You can ethically maintain non-idolatrous traditions while releasing man-made concepts about winter gods.

DISCLAIMER: This video's message is not intended for a Jewish audience.



TMC is a non-Jewish organization that employs widely accepted academic sources and abstract reasoning to delve into the topic of moral behavior, considering observable and measurable data. We also incorporate traditional Jewish knowledge on moral conduct due to its extensive wealth of philosophical wisdom, as symbolized in our logo.

Our ultimate objective is to offer guidance for achieving a happier and more fulfilled life through the embrace of moral living, irrespective of whether one is already familiar with it or just discovering it. Live morally.


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